Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014: The Edmonton Arts Walk, the Space Explorer (Version 1.0)

I finally finished it! The Space Explorer, and he is quite literally a SPACE explorer. This is my first version of him, he will need some tweaking when I return from another trip out of town this week. When I say 'tweaking' i mean NOT melting; I had a few mishaps with the blackness of it all and I will need to rethink the concept for it to be ready for the Edmonton Fringe Festival that's coming in a few weeks. 
I will be posting details in a separate page on this site to spare you the details, for it was a spectacular failure, but the pictures turned out alright. ENJOY!

I included a small tardis, give it that extra detail.

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 08, 2014 Update: Wear and Tear

One of my biggest challenges is creating a costume that is both esthetically pleasing but also practical for a Living Statue. You might imagine that I don't move around all that much, and you would be right, but I do from time to time need the flexibility to get out there and walk/interact. What I'm getting at here is that costume still needs to bend, and if it doesn't want to bend from all that paint I laboured over to apply: too bad. I need to bend. All those layers of paint look good but once Im out on the street I'll need those crucial joint areas free.
I had my first 'dress rehearsal' with the full costume and black's are definitely high maintenance. First thing it does is show every spot I missed, and every crack that occured from my first wear. This little stretch mark is from right shoulder, probably from me taking on and off the costume. A few other spots though out the costume that will need addressing, such as the knees and elbows. The paint might still be a bit tacky, and it will take time before I can really take hold of other issues I'm not aware of.
So much work, so little time.

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 04, 2014 Update: what not to do, and where to go from here

It's a busy week for me in the studio, aka the garage, and I've made some interesting changes to the costume seen in my prier post. A part of me really, realllllllly, wanted to work with acrylic paint; I had this passion for brushing the paint on the costume. As if it was life or death, I needed it. It was destiny. But destiny can you lead down dark paths; a dark, puke-y green, kind of path.

Before, lots of great blues and shading....

....and after. Wow. Just wow.
On a side note I did add a few distant stars to the mix and lovely shade of blue in just the right areas. I will be using it as a nucleus of the constellation in my work, as you could see in the above photos, and clouded through out the costume it self. I am worried about the amount of black in my costume, I absolutely love the...darkness; I just don't want to melt out there in the Alberta heat: 30c or higher.

Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey...